Saturday, July 4, 2009


Brindol is a bustling metropolis in the heart of the Elsir Vale. Brindol is only second in size to the former capital city of Rhest. Merchants come from all corners of the Vale to do business inside the was of the river city. Not only is Brindol a hub of commerce, but it has historical intrest as well; for it was here the final battle of the Great Goblin Wars was fought. It was here where the agents of darkness were beaten back and defeated, for what all hoped was forever.

6,700; another 1,000 live within a five mile radius. The people of Brindol are blend of all races of the land.

The city has a council, two thirds of whom are hereditary landlords and the remainder of whom are guild masters from the city's important trade guilds.

The city has 200 soldiers under arms at all times, with about one-quarter on duty at any given time. The city also has a well-equipped, but poorly trained soldier's militia.

Brindol is well know for its production of fine wines and cheeses. The country side to the North yields olives and grapes. Along the river are many orchards of oranges and lemons. The South is rich with grain and wheat.

Tiefling caravans come to Brindol three or four times a year, bringing with them rare herbs collected throughout the year. It is this trade of herbs that has gained Tieflings a place of acceptance in an otherwise hostile social environment. It is these herbs that are the life blood of the city and the fuel of the economy.

Avandrian Hostel; Chatrenn and Sons; Pantashi Inn; The Red Door; The Silk and Spoon.

The Antler and Thistle; The Blue Parrot; Brindol Gentlemen's Club; Cleftier's; Ilya's Cardhouse; The Marooned Schooner.

Major Guilds
Blacksmiths and Smelters; Prospectors; River Bargemen (Halfling Controlled); Teamsters and Farriers; Weavers.

Alchemy by Andronsuis (Currently Closed); Alpenglow Trading House; Gavriel Arms and Smithy; Staghunter Outfitters.

College of Ioun; Moondust Temple (Sehanine); Shrine of Bahamut (No Permanent Clergy); Shrine of the Open Door (Avandra); Shrine of the Sun (Pelor); Temple of Erathis.

Map Key
  1. Town Gates
  2. The Red Door
  3. Pantashi Inn
  4. Gavriel Arms and Smithy
  5. Market Square
  6. Teamsters and Farriers
  7. River Bargemen
  8. Avandrian Hostel
  9. The Blue Parrot
  10. The Silk and Spoon
  11. House of Council
  12. Chatrenn and Sons
  13. Temple of Erathis
  14. The Antler and Thistle
  15. Staghunter Outfitters
  16. Blacksmiths and Smelters
  17. College of Ioun
  18. Alpenglow Trading House
  19. Eoffram Troyas Manor
  20. Graveyard
  21. Shrine of the Sun

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Character Bio: Cerith

Cerith of the Forest Monastery
Pronounced "keh-RITH"

Male Razorclaw Shifter Warden
Level 1
Neutral Good

Strength 17 (+3)
Constitution 17 (+3)
Dexterity 17 (+3)
Intelligence 14 (+2)
Wisdom 18 (+4)
Charisma 12 (+1)

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 180 lb
Age: 19
Skin: A rich summer tan with noticeable cheetah markings.
Eyes: Rich amber eyes with deep red flecks.
Hair: Blond; Straight

Maximum Hit Points: 34
Bloodied: 17
Surge Value: 8
Surges / Day: 12

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light

Initiative: +3

Armor Class: 19
Fortitude Defense: 14
Reflex Defense: 15
Will Defense: 15

Armor: Hide (25 lb.)

Shield: Heavy (15 lb.)

Unarmed Melee: 1d4+3
Bastard Sword: 1d10+3 [Heavy Blade] (Versatile weapon. Add +1 to damage if using two-handed.)
Sling: 1d6+3 (Free Load)
Warden's Fury
Strength of Stone
Thorn Strike
Wildblood Frenzy
Form of the Relentless Panther

Acrobatics: +2
Arcana: +2
Athletics: +5
Bluff: +1
Diplomacy: +1
Dungeoneering: +4
Endurance: +5
Heal: +4
History: +2
Insight: +4
Intimidate: +1
Nature: +9
Perception: +9
Religion: +2
Stealth: +2
Streetwise: +1
Thievery: +0

Weapon Proficiency -- Bastard Sword

At-Will Powers:
Basic Melee Attack: +3
Basic Ranged Attack: +3
Bull Rush: + 3, Push enemy 1 square and move into square (Ineffective if no square to push into)
Warden's Fury (Immediate Interrupt)
Warden's Grasp (Immediate Reaction)
Strength of Stone [Level 1]
Thorn Strike [Level 1]

Encounter Powers:
Second Wind: +2 Bonus to all defenses until start of next turn, Spends a Healing Surge to regain HP
Razorclaw Shifting [Minor Action]
Wild Blood Frenzy [Level 1]

Daily Powers:
Form of the Relentless Panther [Level 1][special]

Racial Features:
* +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom (already included)
* +2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth
* Razorclaw Shifting (when bloodied; see Monster Manual)

Class/ Path/ Destiny Features:
* This warden chose the Wildblood might option.
* Font of Life

Base Saving Throw: d20 vs 10

Languages: Common and Goblin

Rituals Known: None

Encumberance (4e):
Normal Load: 170 lb.
Heavy Load: 340 lb.
Maximum Drag Load: 850 lb.

Cerith's Equipment:
46 lb. Weapons: Bastard Sword (6 lb.) / Armor: Hide Armor (25 lb.) / Shield: Heavy (15 lb.)
5 lb. Sling bullets x20
2 lb. Backpack
5 lb. Bedroll
0 lb. Flint and steel
1 lb. Pouch [belt] (empty) x1
10 lb. Rations (1 day) x10
10 lb. Rope (50', hempen) x1
2 lb. Sunrods x2
4 lb. Waterskins x1
20 lb. Tent
99 lb. Total

Coins and Other Wealth:
3 Gold

Magic items: None

Resistances: None

Personality Traits:

Character Background: